Offices of other holding companies Lines




Offices of other holding companies Product Lines

551112_L30070 Products resold (products purchased from others and resold by this establishment without further manufacture, fabrication, processing, or assembly)
551112_L30080 Sales, license fees, royalties, and other payments from the marketing of intangible property such as software, music, motion pictures, and other intellectual property
551112_L30090 Franchise sales and fees
551112_L30100 Research and development
551112_L30110 Interest and dividends
551112_L3011030111 Interest
551112_L3011030112 Dividends
551112_L30120 Gains (losses) from assets sold or traded
551112_L30130 Contributions, gifts, and grants
551112_L30190 All other revenue
551112_L3019030191 All other revenue

The Report entitled, Offices of other holding companies Lines (Ref: 551112 L) , contains the above Product and Market breakdown.