Scheduled freight air transportation Lines




Scheduled freight air transportation Product Lines

481112_L43100 Fuel and lubricant sales
481112_L43350 Aircraft parts and supplies sales
481112_L45000 Scheduled domestic passenger revenue
481112_L45020 Charter domestic passenger revenue
481112_L45200 Domestic air freight revenue, including air courier services
481112_L45210 International air freight revenue, including air courier services
481112_L45220 Domestic air mail revenue, including air courier services
481112_L45410 Airport and/or aircraft ramp service, parking, tie down, and storage fees
481112_L45420 Aircraft rental or leasing without crew and/or pilot
481112_L45430 Aircraft maintenance and repair services
481112_L45500 Other specialized flying services, including crop dusting, aerial forest fire fighting, aerial advertising and photography, aviation clubs, and aerial surveying
481112_L49810 All other operating revenue

The Report entitled, Scheduled freight air transportation Lines (Ref: 481112 L) , contains the above Product and Market breakdown.