Apparel, piece goods, & notions merchant wholesalers Lines




Apparel, piece goods, and notions merchant wholesalers Product Lines

4243_L10200 New and rebuilt automotive parts and supplies, and trailer parts and supplies
4243_L10400 Household and lawn furniture
4243_L10500 Household china, glassware, crockery, and plastic housewares, excluding paper dishes, cups, napkins, and plastic utensils
4243_L10520 Linens, domestics, curtains, and draperies
4243_L10530 Flooring and floor coverings
4243_L10540 Miscellaneous home furnishings, including household containers, flatware, pans, baskets, and kitchen utensils
4243_L10740 Other construction products and materials
4243_L11000 Medical, hospital, and surgical supplies
4243_L11030 Optical and ophthalmic goods and supplies
4243_L1103011032 Prescription grinding
4243_L1103011034 Eyeglasses, contact lenses, and other optical goods
4243_L11400 Electrical apparatus and equipment
4243_L11500 Electric household appliances, including gas clothes dryers
4243_L1150011511 Televisions
4243_L1150011512 Radios, stereos, tape players, and CD players
4243_L1150011513 VCRs, video cameras, digital video disc (DVD) players, and electronic DVD-based game consoles
4243_L1150011517 Household vacuum cleaners and sewing machines
4243_L1150011518 Other electric household appliances, including dishwashers, toasters and fans
4243_L11600 Electronic parts and equipment, excluding communications equipment
4243_L11650 Communications equipment and supplies
4243_L11700 Hardware
4243_L12320 General-purpose industrial machinery, equipment, and parts
4243_L12360 Other industrial machinery, equipment, and parts
4243_L12460 Abrasives, strapping, tapes, inks, and mechanical rubber goods
4243_L12500 Beauty and barber equipment and supplies
4243_L1250012512 Beauty and barber supplies, including combs, curlers, and shampoos
4243_L12540 Service establishment equipment and supplies, including municipal water treatment equipment
4243_L12700 Sporting and recreational goods and supplies
4243_L12800 Toys and hobby goods and supplies
4243_L1280012811 Video game players, including dedicated game terminals and handheld electronic games
4243_L1280012812 Other toys and games, including children's vehicles
4243_L1280012813 Crafts and craft supplies
4243_L1280012814 Other hobby goods and accessories
4243_L12940 Recyclable materials, excluding metals and paper
4243_L1294012941 Recyclable textiles, including rags and textile scraps
4243_L13000 Jewelry, diamonds, gemstones, and watches
4243_L1300013014 Watches, clocks, and watch parts
4243_L1300013016 Other jewelry, silverware, and plated ware, including costume jewelry
4243_L13130 Pre-recorded compact discs (CDs), audio tapes, and phonograph records
4243_L13150 Miscellaneous durable goods
4243_L1315013152 Luggage
4243_L1315013154 Other miscellaneous durable goods
4243_L13200 Printing and writing paper
4243_L13300 Office paper, office supplies, greeting cards, and labels
4243_L13400 Paper and plastic products
4243_L13500 Pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical supplies, cosmetics, and toiletries
4243_L1350013513 Cosmetics and beauty supplies
4243_L1350013514 Perfumes
4243_L1350013515 Vitamins and nutritional supplements
4243_L1350013516 Other toiletries and druggists' sundries, including health aids and first aid supplies
4243_L13600 Knit and woven piece goods
4243_L1360013611 Goods purchased gray and finished on contract
4243_L1360013612 Cotton, including blends
4243_L1360013613 Synthetics, excluding synthetic knits
4243_L1360013614 Other knit fabrics
4243_L1360013615 Woolen and worsted piece goods
4243_L1360013616 Other piece goods
4243_L13700 Notions, including buttons, ribbons, lace, sewing accessories, zippers, and bindings
4243_L13800 Men's and boys' wear
4243_L1380013811 Men's and boys' suits, coats, and formal wear
4243_L1380013812 Men's and boys' dress and casual shirts, slacks, and jeans, including unisex T-shirts
4243_L1380013813 Men's and boys' underwear and sleepwear
4243_L1380013814 Men's and boys' work clothing and uniforms
4243_L1380013815 Other men's and boys' wear, including caps, hats, gloves, neckwear, and umbrellas
4243_L13900 Women's, misses', and girls' wear
4243_L1390013912 Women's, misses', and girls' dresses and blouses
4243_L1390013913 Women's, misses', and girls' suits and coats
4243_L1390013914 Women's, misses', and girls' outerwear
4243_L1390013915 Women's, misses', and girls' underwear and sleepwear
4243_L1390013916 Other women's, misses', and girls' wear, including caps, hats, gloves, sweaters, and umbrellas
4243_L13920 Infants' and children's wear, to size 6X
4243_L14000 Footwear
4243_L1400014011 All athletic footwear
4243_L1400014012 Infants' footwear
4243_L1400014013 Women's, misses', and girls' footwear, excluding athletic footwear
4243_L1400014014 Men's and boys' footwear, excluding athletic footwear
4243_L1400014015 Shoe accessories
4243_L14100 Packaged frozen food
4243_L14400 Confectioneries
4243_L14860 Grocery specialties
4243_L15200 Raw cotton
4243_L15300 Plastics materials and basic shapes
4243_L15330 Chemicals and allied products, excluding agricultural chemicals, plastics, industrial and natural gases, liquefied petroleum (LP), and petroleum
4243_L16000 Paint, paint supplies, wallpaper, and wallpaper supplies
4243_L1600016012 Industrial/Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) coatings
4243_L1600016015 Wallpaper and wallpaper supplies
4243_L16100 Books, periodicals, newspapers, and other printed materials
4243_L16120 Art goods, including novelties and souvenirs
4243_L16130 Textile bags, bagging, and burlap
4243_L16150 Wigs, yarns, and leather products
4243_L19700 Service receipts and labor charges, including installed parts
4243_L19730 Advertising specialties, including paper novelties
4243_L19810 Miscellaneous commodities
4243_L19940 Rental and operating lease receipts

The Report entitled, Apparel, piece goods, & notions merchant wholesalers Lines (Ref: 4243 L) , contains the above Product and Market breakdown.