Telephone apparatus manufacturing




Telephone apparatus manufacturing

334210 Telephone switching, carrier, line telegraph and data communications equipment
3342101 Telephone switching and switchboard equipment
33421010 Telephone switching and switchboard equipment
3342101000 Telephone switching and switchboard equipment
33421011 Telephone switching and switchboard equipment
3342101100 Telephone switching and switchboard equipment
3342104 Telephone and telegraph apparatus, carrier line equipment (office and line repeaters and line terminating carrier equipment) and nonconsumer modems, including auxiliary sets
33421040 Telephone and telegraph apparatus, carrier line equipment (office and line repeaters and line terminating carrier equipment) and nonconsumer modems, including auxiliary sets
3342104000 Telephone and telegraph apparatus, carrier line equipment (office and line repeaters and line terminating carrier equipment) and nonconsumer modems, including auxiliary sets
33421041 Telephone and telegraph (wire) apparatus, carrier line equipment (office and line repeaters and line terminating carrier equipment) and nonconsumer modems, including auxiliary sets
3342104100 Telephone and telegraph (wire) apparatus, carrier line equipment (office and line repeaters and line terminating carrier equipment) and nonconsumer modems, including auxiliary sets
3342107 All other telephone-telegraph (wire) and data communications apparatus, including telephone sets, telephone answering and fax machines
33421070 All other telephone-telegraph (wire) and data communications apparatus, including telephone sets, telephone answering and fax machines
3342107000 All other telephone-telegraph (wire) and data communications apparatus, including telephone sets, telephone answering and fax machines
33421071 Other telephone and telegraph (wire) apparatus, including telephone sets, telephone answering and fax machines
3342107100 Other telephone and telegraph (wire) apparatus, including telephone sets, telephone answering and fax machines
334210W Telephone apparatus, nsk, total
334210WY Telephone apparatus manufacturing, nsk, total
334210WYWW Telephone apparatus manufacturing, nsk, for nonadministrative-record establishments
334210WYWY Telephone apparatus manufacturing, nsk, for administrative-record establishments

The Report entitled, Telephone apparatus manufacturing (Ref: 33421) , contains the above Product and Market breakdown.