Urethane & other foam product (except polystyrene) manufacturing




Urethane and other foam product (except polystyrene) manufacturing

326150 Urethane and foam products other than polystyrene
3261501 Transportation polyurethane foam products
32615011 Transportation polyurethane foam products
3261501101 Transportation polyurethane foam products, molded seating
3261501102 Transportation polyurethane foam products, cut slab stock for seating and trim
3261501103 Transportation polyurethane foam products, other molded including headrest, armrest, etc.
3261501Y Transportation polyurethane foam products, nsk
3261501YWV Transportation polyurethane foam products, nsk
3261502 Packaging polyurethane foam products
32615021 Packaging polyurethane foam products
3261502116 Polyurethane foam protective shipping pads and shaped cushioning (peanuts, disks, etc.)
3261502126 Polyurethane foam food containers
3261502196 Other polyurethane foam packaging products
3261502Y Packaging, polyurethane, nsk
3261502YWV Packaging, polyurethane, nsk
3261503 Building and construction polyurethane foam products
32615031 Building and construction polyurethane foam products
3261503116 Building and construction polyurethane foam insulation (including pipe and block)
3261503196 Other building and construction polyurethane foam products
3261503Y Building and construction polyurethane foam, nsk
3261503YWV Building and construction polyurethane foam, nsk
3261504 Furniture and furnishings polyurethane foam products
32615041 Polyurethane foam formed and slab stock for pillows, seating and cushioning
3261504110 Polyurethane foam formed and slab stock for pillows, seating and cushioning
32615042 Other polyurethane foam furniture and furnishings products
3261504215 Polyurethane foam carpet underlay, carpet and rug cushions, prime
3261504216 Polyurethane foam carpet underlay, carpet and rug cushions, bonded
3261504227 Polyurethane foam mattress cores (uncovered only)
3261504228 Polyurethane foam topper pads and quilting rolls
3261504237 Other furniture and furnishings polyurethane foam products
3261504Y Furniture and furnishings polyurethane foam, nsk
3261504YWV Furniture and furnishings polyurethane foam, nsk
3261505 Consumer and institutional polyurethane foam products
32615051 Consumer and institutional polyurethane foam products
3261505100 Consumer and institutional polyurethane foam products
3261506 Miscellaneous polyurethane foam products, nec
32615061 Miscellaneous polyurethane foam products, nec
3261506116 Electrical and electronic polyurethane foam products
3261506196 Other polyurethane foam products, including medical, clothing, fillers, diapers, etc.
3261506Y Miscellaneous polyurethane foam products, nec, nsk
3261506YWV Miscellaneous polyurethane foam products, nec, nsk
3261509 Products made of foam other than polystyrene or polyurethane including phenolics, vinyl and cellulose acetate, etc.
32615091 Products made of foam other than polystyrene or polyurethane including phenolics, vinyl and cellulose acetate, etc.
3261509100 Products made of foam other than polystyrene or polyurethane including phenolics, vinyl and cellulose acetate, etc.
326150W Polyurethane and other foam products, nsk, total
326150WY Polyurethane and other foam products, nsk, total
326150WYWW Polyurethane and other foam products, nsk, for nonadministrative-record establishments
326150WYWY Polyurethane and other foam products, nsk, for administrative-record establishments

The Report entitled, Urethane & other foam product (except polystyrene) manufacturing (Ref: 32615) , contains the above Product and Market breakdown.