Laminated plastics plate, sheet, (except packaging) & shape manufacturing




Laminated plastics plate, sheet, (except packaging) and shape manufacturing

326130 Laminated plastics plate, sheet and shapes
3261300 Plastics laminates (excluding flexible packaging)
32613001 Thermosetting plastics laminates (excluding flexible packaging)
3261300111 Thermosetting plastics laminates (excluding flexible packaging)
32613002 Thermoplastic plastics laminates (excluding flexible packaging)
3261300221 Thermoplastic plastics laminates (excluding flexible packaging)
32613003 Other plastics laminates (excluding flexible packaging)
3261300391 Other plastics laminates (excluding flexible packaging)
3261300Y Laminated plastics plate and sheet, nsk
3261300YWW Laminated plastics plate and sheet, nsk, for nonadministrative-record establishments
3261300YWY Laminated plastics plate and sheet, nsk, for administrative-record establishments

The Report entitled, Laminated plastics plate, sheet, (except packaging) & shape manufacturing (Ref: 32613) , contains the above Product and Market breakdown.