Adhesive manufacturing




Adhesive manufacturing

325520 Adhesives and sealants
3255201 Natural base glues and adhesives
32552011 Natural base glues and adhesives
3255201111 Hide (dry forms) animal glues
3255201121 Flexible, nonwarp and liquid animal glues (not glue stock)
3255201131 Protein adhesives, including casein, blood, fish, soybean, albumen, etc.
3255201141 Dextrine vegetable adhesives
3255201151 Starch vegetable adhesives
3255201161 Other natural base glues and adhesives made from natural gums, shellac, silicates, lacquers and oleoresinous varnishes
3255201Y Natural base glues and adhesives, nsk
3255201YWV Natural base glues and adhesives, nsk
3255204 Synthetic resin and rubber adhesives, including all types of bonding and laminating adhesives
32552041 Epoxy adhesives
3255204111 Epoxy adhesives
32552042 Rubber and synthetic resin combinations
3255204271 Rubber and synthetic resin combinations
32552043 Hot melt adhesives, including polyamide, polyolefin and other hot melts
32552043D1 Hot melt adhesives, including polyamide, polyolefin and other hot melts
32552044 Adhesive films, all types, including pressure-sensitive structural and nonstructural adhesive films
32552044E1 Adhesive films, all types, including pressure-sensitive structural and nonstructural adhesive films
32552045 Vinyl type adhesives
3255204541 Polyvinyl acetate adhesives
3255204551 Polyvinyl chloride and copolymer adhesives
3255204561 Other vinyl polymer type adhesives
32552046 Other synthetic resin and rubber adhesives
3255204621 Phenolics and phenolic derivative adhesives, including resorcinol
3255204631 Urea and modified urea adhesives
3255204681 Acrylic adhesives
3255204691 Cyanoacrylate adhesives
32552046A1 Polyester adhesives
32552046B1 Urethane adhesives
32552046C1 Styrenic adhesives
32552046F1 Latex type rubber cement, for sale as such
32552046G1 Solvent type rubber cement, for sale as such
32552046H1 Other synthetic resin and rubber adhesives, including cellulose, nitrocellulose, polyamide, anaerobic, etc.
3255204Y Synthetic resin and rubber adhesives, including all types of bonding and laminating adhesives, nsk
3255204YWV Synthetic resin and rubber adhesives, including all types of bonding and laminating adhesives, nsk
3255207 Structural sealants (load-bearing)
32552071 Structural sealants (load-bearing)
3255207111 Synthetic base general performance structural (load-bearing) sealants (PVAC, butyl, vinyl, acrylic, neoprene, etc.)
3255207121 Synthetic base special performance structural (load-bearing) sealants, including polysulfide, silicone, epoxy, urethane, etc.
3255207131 Synthetic base structural (load-bearing) sealant preformed tapes (butyl, polybutene, polyisobutylene, etc.)
3255207Y Structural sealants (load-bearing), nsk
3255207YWV Structural sealants (load-bearing), nsk
325520A Nonstructural caulking compounds and sealants
325520A1 Nonstructural caulking compounds and sealants
325520A111 Natural base nonstructural (nonload-bearing) caulks, modified and unmodified oil base
325520A121 Natural bituminous base (coal tar or asphalt) nonstructural (nonload-bearing) caulking compounds and sealants
325520A131 Synthetic base nonstructural (nonload-bearing) general performance sealants (PVAC, butyl, vinyl, acrylic, neoprene, etc.)
325520A141 Synthetic base nonstructural (nonload-bearing) special performance sealants, including polysulfide, silcone, epoxy, urethane, etc.
325520A151 Synthetic base nonstructural (nonload-bearing) sealant preformed tapes (butyl, polybutene, polyisobutylene, etc.)
325520AY Nonstructural caulking compounds and sealants, nsk
325520AYWV Nonstructural caulking compounds and sealants, nsk
325520W Adhesives and sealants, nsk, total
325520WY Adhesives and sealants, nsk, total
325520WYWW Adhesives and sealants, nsk, for nonadministrative-record establishments
325520WYWY Adhesives and sealants, nsk, for administrative-record establishments

The Report entitled, Adhesive manufacturing (Ref: 32552) , contains the above Product and Market breakdown.