Pharmaceutical & medicine manufacturing




Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing

325411 Medicinals and botanicals
3254111 Synthetic organic medicinal chemicals, in bulk
32541111 Synthetic organic antibiotics, including all uses (veterinary, food supplements, food preservation, etc.), except preparations
3254111111 Synthetic organic antibiotics, including all uses (veterinary, food supplements, food preservation, etc.), except preparations
32541112 Other synthetic organic medicinal chemicals, except antibiotics
3254111221 Other synthetic organic medicinal chemicals, except antibiotics
3254111Y Synthetic organic medicinal chemicals, in bulk, nsk
3254111YWV Synthetic organic medicinal chemicals, in bulk, nsk
3254114 Other medicinal chemicals and botanical products, in bulk, nec (including naturally occurring vitamins, hormones, drugs and artificial mixtures)
32541141 Botanical alkaloid drugs, other botanical drugs, naturally occurring vitamins, drugs of animal origin and artificial mixtures of two or more medical or botanical substances
3254114111 Botanical drugs, alkaloids, including opium and nicotine
3254114121 Other botanical drugs, including glycosides and ginseng extract
3254114131 Naturally occurring vitamin C
3254114141 Naturally occurring vitamin E
3254114151 Medicinals and botanicals, other medicinal and botanical products, in bulk, nec, naturally occurring vitamins, other naturally occurring vitamins (from yeast, fish, liver, etc.)
3254114161 Medicinals and botanicals, other medicinal and botanical products, in bulk, nec, drugs of animal origin, including hormones, dried glands, organs and tissues and extractions thereof
3254114171 Medicinals and botanicals, other medicinal and botanical products, in bulk, nec, artificial mixtures of two medicinal or botanical substances or more for therapeutic or prophylactic uses
32541142 Medicinals and botanicals, other medicinal and botanical products, in bulk, nec, other organic and inorganic medicinal chemicals, except diagnostics
3254114291 Medicinals and botanicals, other medicinal and botanical products, in bulk, nec, other organic and inorganic medicinal chemicals, except diagnostics
3254114Y Medicinals and botanicals, other medicinal chemicals and botanical products, in bulk, nec, nsk
3254114YWV Medicinals and botanicals, other medicinal chemicals and botanical products, in bulk, nec, nsk
325411W Medicinals and botanicals, nsk, total
325411WY Medicinals and botanicals, nsk, total
325411WYWW Medicinals and botanicals, nsk, for nonadministrative-record establishments
325411WYWY Medicinals and botanicals, nsk, for administrative-record establishments
325412 Pharmaceutical preparations
3254121 Pharmaceutical preparations, affecting neoplasms, the endocrine system and metabolic diseases, for human use
32541210 Pharmaceutical preparations, affecting neoplasms, the endocrine system and metabolic diseases, for human use
3254121000 Pharmaceutical preparations, affecting neoplasms, the endocrine system and metabolic diseases, for human use
32541211 Pharmaceutical preparations, affecting neoplams, the endocrine system and metabolic diseases, for human use
3254121100 Pharmaceutical preparations, affecting neoplams, the endocrine system and metabolic diseases, for human use
3254124 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the central nervous system and the sense organs, for human use, excluding diagnostics
32541240 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the central nervous system and the sense organs, for human use
3254124000 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the central nervous system and the sense organs, for human use
32541241 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the central nervous system and the sense organs, for human use
3254124100 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the central nervous system and the sense organs, for human use
3254127 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the cardiovascular system, for human use, excluding diagnostics
32541270 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the cardiovascular system, for human use
3254127000 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the cardiovascular system, for human use
32541271 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the cardiovascular system, for human use
3254127100 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the cardiovascular system, for human use
325412A Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the respiratory system, for human use, excluding diagnostics
325412A0 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the respiratory system, for human use
325412A000 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the respiratory system, for human use
325412A1 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the respiratory system, for human use
325412A100 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the respiratory system, for human use
325412D Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the digestive or the genito-urinary systems, for human use, excluding diagnostics
325412D0 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the digestive or the genito-urinary systems, for human use
325412D000 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the digestive or the genito-urinary systems, for human use
325412D1 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the digestive or the genito-urinary systems, for human use
325412D100 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the digestive or the genito-urinary systems, for human use
325412G Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the skin, for human use (incl burn ointments, acne preparations, hemorrhoidal preparations, rubbing alcohol, etc.)
325412G0 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the skin, for human use
325412G000 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on the skin, for human use
325412G1 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on skin, for human use
325412G100 Pharmaceutical preparations, acting on skin, for human use
325412L Pharmaceutical preparations, vitamin, nutrient and hematinic preparations, for human use
325412L0 Pharmaceutical preparations, vitamin, nutrient and hematinic preparations, for human use
325412L000 Pharmaceutical preparations, vitamin, nutrient and hematinic preparations, for human use
325412L1 Pharmaceutical preparations, vitamin, nutrient and hematinic preparations, for human use
325412L100 Pharmaceutical preparations, vitamin, nutrient and hematinic preparations, for human use
325412P Pharmaceutical preparations, affecting parasitic and infective diseases, for human use (including penicillins, antibiotics, antiseptic mouthwash, etc.)
325412P0 Pharmaceutical preparations, affecting parasitic and infective diseases, for human use
325412P000 Pharmaceutical preparations, affecting parasitic and infective diseases, for human use
325412P1 Pharmaceutical preparations, affecting parasitic and inefective diseases, for human use (excluding diagnostics)
325412P100 Pharmaceutical preparations, affecting parasitic and inefective diseases, for human use (excluding diagnostics)
325412T Pharmaceutical preparations, for veterinary use
325412T0 Pharmaceutical preparations, for veterinary use
325412T000 Pharmaceutical preparations, for veterinary use
325412T1 Pharmaceutical preparations for veterinary use (including medicinal premixes and medicated pet care products; excluding pet flea and tick products), excluding diagnostics
325412T100 Pharmaceutical preparations for veterinary use (including medicinal premixes and medicated pet care products; excluding pet flea and tick products), excluding diagnostics
325412V Diagnostic substances, in vivo (including angiourographic agents, other contrast media products, radioactive regents, etc.)
325412V1 Diagnostic substances, in vivo
325412V111 Diagnostic substances, in vivo diagnostic contrast media products (both iodinated and barium products), including angiourographic agents
325412V121 Diagnostic substances, in vivo radioactive reagents (both diagnostic and therapeutic)
325412V191 Diagnostic substances, in vivo diagnostic substances, other
325412VY Diagnostic substances, in vivo
325412VYWV Diagnostic substances, in vivo, nsk
325412W Pharmaceutical preparations, nsk, total
325412WY Pharmaceutical preparations, nsk, total
325412WYWW Pharmaceutical preparations, nsk, for nonadministrative-record establishments
325412WYWY Pharmaceutical preparations, nsk, for administrative-record establishments
325413 Diagnostic substances, in vitro
3254130 Diagnostic substances, in vitro
32541301 Diagnostic substances, in vitro diagnostic (clinical chemistry) reagents, including toxicology
3254130111 Diagnostic substances, in vitro diagnostic (clinical chemistry) reagents, including toxicology
32541302 Diagnostic substances, in vitro diagnostic (clinical chemistry) reagents, including toxicology
3254130221 Diagnostic substances, in vitro diagnostic (clinical chemistry) standards and controls, including toxicology
32541303 Diagnostic substances, in vitro diagnostic blood bank, hematology and coagulation products
3254130331 Diagnostic substances, in vitro diagnostic blood bank products
3254130341 Diagnostic substances, in vitro diagnostic hematology products
3254130351 Diagnostic substances, in vitro diagnostic coagulation products
32541304 Diagnostic substances, in vitro diagnostic microbiology, virology, serology, cytology and histology products
3254130461 Diagnostic substances, in vitro diagnostic microbiology, virology, serology, cytology and histology products
32541305 Diagnostic substances, in vitro, culture media
3254130571 Diagnostic substances, in vitro, culture media
32541306 Diagnostic substances, in vitro, other
3254130691 Diagnostic substances, in vitro, other
3254130Y Diagnostic substances, in vitro, nsk
3254130YWW Diagnostic substances, in vitro, nsk, for nonadministrative-record establishments
3254130YWY Diagnostic substances, in vitro, nsk, for administrative-record establishments
325414 Biological products, except diagnostics
3254141 Blood and blood derivatives, except diagnostics, for human use
32541411 Biological products, except diagnostic, blood and blood derivatives, human blood plasma, for human use
3254141111 Biological products, except diagnostic, blood and blood derivatives, human blood plasma, for human use
3254141121 Biological products, except diagnostic, blood and blood derivatives, other blood and blood derivatives or fractions, except those used for passive immunization
3254141Y Biological products, except diagnostic, blood and blood derivatives, for human use, nsk
3254141YWV Biological products, except diagnostic, blood and blood derivatives, for human use, nsk
3254144 Vaccines, toxoids and antigens, except allergens, for human use
32541441 Vaccines, toxoids and antigens, except allergens, for human use
3254144100 Vaccines, toxoids and antigens, except allergens, for human use
3254147 Other biologics, except diagnostic, for human use (including antitoxins, antivenoms, blood derivatives for therapeutic use and allergenic extracts)
32541471 Biological products, except diagnostic, other biologics for human use
3254147111 Biological products, except diagnostic, other biologics, antitoxins, antivenoms, immune globulins, therapeutic immune serums, etc., for therapeutic use and passive immunization
3254147121 Biological products, except diagnostic, other biologics, allergenic extracts and other biologics for human use, including poison ivy and oak extracts, except diagnostic allergens
3254147Y Biological products, except diagnostic, other biologics for human use, nsk
3254147YWV Biological products, except diagnostic, other biologics for human use, nsk
325414A Biological products, except diagnostic, for veterinary, industrial and other uses, nec
325414A1 Biological veterinary vaccines, bacterins, toxoids, other antigens and other biological products
325414A111 Biological products, except diagnostic, for veterinary, industrial and other uses, nec, veterinary vaccines, including vaccines against foot-and-mouth disease
325414A121 Biological products, except diagnostic, for veterinary, industrial and other uses, nec, bacterins, toxoids and other antigens, except allergens, for active immunization
325414A131 Biological prods, except diag, for veter, indust and other uses, nec, other biological prod, includ veterinary blood derivatives, antitoxins, immune serums and allergens, except diagnostics
325414A2 Biological products, except diagnostic, for veterinary, industrial and other uses, nec, biological products for industrial and other uses, except culture media
325414A241 Biological products, except diagnostic, for veterinary, industrial and other uses, nec, biological products for industrial and other uses, except culture media
325414A3 Biological products for industrial and all other miscellaneous uses, non-diagnostic culture media
325414A311 Biological products for industrial and all other miscellaneous uses, non-diagnostic culture media
325414AY Biological products, except diagnostic, for veterinary, industrial and other uses, nec, nsk
325414AYWV Biological products, except diagnostic, for veterinary, industrial and other uses, nec, nsk
325414W Biological products, except diagnostic, nsk, total
325414WY Biological products, except diagnostic, nsk, total
325414WYWW Biological products, except diagnostic, nsk, for nonadministrative-record establishments
325414WYWY Biological products, except diagnostic, nsk, for administrative-record establishments

The Report entitled, Pharmaceutical & medicine manufacturing (Ref: 32541) , contains the above Product and Market breakdown.