




312120 Brewery products
3121201 Canned beer and ale case goods
31212011 Canned beer and ale case goods
3121201111 Canned beer and ale case goods, 12 oz cans
31212012 Canned beer and ale case goods, other can sizes
3121201221 Canned beer and ale case goods, 16 oz cans
3121201231 Canned beer and ale case goods, other can sizes
3121201Y Canned beer and ale case goods, nsk
3121201YWV Canned beer and ale case goods, nsk
3121204 Bottled beer and ale case goods
31212041 Bottled beer and ale case goods in returnable bottle sizes
3121204111 Bottled beer case goods in returnable bottles less than 12 oz
3121204121 Bottled beer case goods in returnable 12 oz bottles
3121204131 Bottled beer case goods in returnable 32 oz bottles
3121204141 Bottled beer case goods in all other returnable bottle sizes
31212042 Bottled beer case goods in nonreturnable bottle sizes
3121204251 Bottled beer case goods in nonreturnable bottles less than 12 oz
3121204261 Bottled beer case goods in nonreturnable 12 oz bottles
3121204271 Bottled beer case goods in nonreturnable 32 oz bottles
3121204281 Bottled beer case goods in all other nonreturnable bottle sizes
3121204291 Bottled ale case goods
3121204Y Bottled beer and ale case goods, nsk
3121204YWV Bottled beer and ale case goods, nsk
3121207 Beer and ale in barrels and kegs
31212071 Beer and ale in barrels and kegs
3121207111 Beer and ale in one-half barrel size
3121207121 Beer and ale in other barrel sizes
3121207Y Beer and ale in barrels and kegs, nsk
3121207YWV Beer and ale in barrels and kegs, nsk
3121209 All other malt beverages and brewing products
31212091 All other malt beverages and brewing products
3121209111 Beer, nonalcoholic
3121209121 Malt liquors, cans or bottles
3121209131 Brewers' spent grains, dry
3121209141 Brewers' spent grains, wet
3121209153 Malt extracts
3121209155 All other malt beverages and brewing products (porter, stout, bulk transfers, malt syrup, etc.)
3121209Y All other malt beverages and brewing products, nsk
3121209YWV All other malt beverages and brewing products, nsk
312120A All other malt beverages and brewing products, nec
312120A1 All other malt beverages and brewing products
312120A111 Nonalcoholic beer
312120A121 Malt liquors, in either cans or bottles
312120A131 Dry brewers' spent grains
312120A141 Wet brewers' spent grains
312120A151 All other malt beverages and brewery products (porter, stout, etc., bulk transfers, malt extracts, malt syrup)
312120AY All other malt beverages and brewing products, nsk
312120AYWV All other malt beverages and brewing products, nsk
312120W Malt beverages, nsk, total
312120WY Malt beverages, nsk, total
312120WYWW Malt beverages, nsk, for nonadministrative-record establishments
312120WYWY Malt beverages, nsk, for administrative-record establishments

The Report entitled, Breweries (Ref: 31212) , contains the above Product and Market breakdown.